Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Cardinal links pedophilia to homosexuality

Yet another blunder by one of the members of the Catholic church. This is just not their year! According to an article published on CNN, Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, who is also the Vatican's Secretary of State stated: "Many psychologists, many psychiatrists have demonstrated that there is no relationship between celibacy and pedophilia but many others have demonstrated, I was told recently, that there is a relationship between homosexuality and pedophilia."

Consequently, the gay community is outraged. Personally, I feel that it is completely unacceptable to relate homosexuality with pedophilia. Pedophilia is a crime, while homosexuality is a way of life for some people. This is just like saying rape can be linked to heterosexuality. The fact that the Cardinal would link the two is offensive to me as a person who believes in the rights of all individuals, regardless of their race, sex, or sexual preference.

With all due respect to the Vatican, I think they really need to reevaluate the ideologies of their members, as well as the things that these members broadcast to the rest of the world. After all, words can be like swords and some of the claims that they've been making lately are unacceptable and just plain ignorant.

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